TDX: How to Request a new Service in the Service Catalog


Add a new service to the TeamDynamix Service Catalog


A service is an activity, process, or function provided by the VCCS to help VCCS employees perform their jobs or help VCCS students work with VCCS systems. While products (e.g. WebEx) often support services, the service (e.g. Web Conferencing) is the more general activity or function.

If you determine that a service is needed that isn't already in the service catalog please provide the following information:

  Description User Data
Service Name Name of the service as it will appear in the service catalog


e.g. Blackboard Learn

Service Description Description of the service which will appear


e.g. Blackboard Learn is our Learning Management System.

Category Full navigation in the service catalog of where you would like the service placed


e.g. Educational Technology

Manager Name of the user or group who will be able to edit the service


e.g. Enterprise Application Tools Team Lead

Tags Key words that can be used by the end user to search for the service


e.g. Blackboard Learn

Permission Users or groups of users who should/should not be able to see this service.


e.g. Not public, visible to everyone who signs into TD

Related Article(s) List of knowledge base articles that should be associated with the service.  A link to each article will be displayed on the service's page



Blackboard Grade Center will not open

Blackboard Course Menu Problems

Service Type

Services may be:

  • Informational Only
  • Link to another web site (URL must be provided)
  • Generate a Ticket
e.g. Generate a ticket
Responsbile for working ticket This only needs to be completed if the service is intended to generate a ticket (from Service Type above).  This can either be the name of the group (if one already exists) that will work on the tickets generated from this service or the names of at least 2 individuals (at least 2 people are needed for coverage) if there is currently no group or if you aren't sure what the name of the group is. e.g. Enterprise Application Tools Team
Ticket Attributes This only needs to be completed if the service is intended to generate a ticket (from Service Type above).  Include any specific information that is needed on the input from the user.  This may be categories of ticket types or other specific information needed in order to resolve the ticket.


Special User Input:

  • course ID
  • user ID
  • URL
Link Type This only needs to be completed if the service is intended to link to another web site (from Service Type above).  Please enter the full URL of the web site that the service should launch to.




Start thinking about the information you want to appear on the service and gathering that information together.  The service manager will actually be the one to edit the service and add this information.  Some examples are:

  • Key Features and Benefits
  • Getting Started
  • Getting Help
  • Related Services and Links
  • Metrics and Statistics
  • Availability
  • VCCS Documentation
  • Other Instances
  • Business Owner
  • Technical Owner



Article ID: 10234
Wed 12/9/15 1:30 PM
Tue 9/17/24 3:18 PM