SIS: HR - Reset effdt for Payroll 900 transactions

Refer to issue trak 135377.

If the college uses an effective date that is not within the beginning and ending pay period dates the effective date can be updated using the scripts attached to the above referenced issue trak. Then the payroll will need to be unconfirmed, rerun , and reconfirmed in order to pick up the missing transactions.

There is a fix for this that is being tested.

Please note that if the original pay run picked up any transactions at all then unconfirming and running it again will not produce any results. Instead after the unconfirm process is run a new calendar will have to be created with a different pay end date. Then the confirm process should be run to pick up the missing transactions.

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Article ID: 1584
Tue 5/20/14 3:03 PM
Wed 9/11/24 9:37 AM