DMS: Splitting pages into Multiple documents in Capture & Indexing

1. Open the Batch
2. Select the first page of the second document.
3. Click on the Split above icon.

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4. Choose either Keep Document Type or Keep Document Type and Index Keys. (NOTE: If all of the documents are for the same Student/Employee, you can link the student to the documents before splitting and choose the Keep Document Type and Index Keys option. Then once you split the documents apart, you can then choose the correct document type for each document.)

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5. In this example, I imported five files. After I selected the second file in the batch and chose to split it, you can see that now the first file is it’s own document and the remaining four files are still showing as one document. (NOTE: Pay attention to the gray box around the thumbnails.)

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6. I need all five of these files to be separate documents, so I am going to continue step four until they all show in their own gray box, which lets me know they are separate documents.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Article ID: 150467
Tue 4/16/24 8:20 AM
Wed 9/18/24 5:30 PM