Creating filters in HPC Web
1. Log into HPC.
2. From the Home screen, click the Documents button.
3. Select the view you would like to create the filter for.
4. Click on the plus sign (+) above the words, “Search in”…
5. In the box that says Normal Constraint, click on the dropdown and choose Prompted Constraint.
6. In the box beside Normal Constraint, click on the dropdown and choose the key that you want to search on. In this example, I am choosing Company Name.
7. Enter your Filter Message and click Add.
8. It should now look like this.
9. Click on the Create New Filter icon.
10. Name your filter accordingly and enter a valid description of what it is for and click OK.
11. In the Views pane on the left side of the screen your private filter should now be available. When you click on the filter, HPC will prompt you to enter the value that you created the search for.